Premarital Program - 8 Weeks

Investing in a Lifetime Together


The transformative 8-week premarital counseling program at Intown Therapy combines traditional premarital counseling with the innovative principles of Positive Intelligence (PQ)®. This program is designed to not only prepare you for marriage but also help you build a resilient, understanding, and deeply connected relationship.

The 8-Week Premarital Program will help you:

  • Enhance Communication Skills: Develop and refine communication techniques that foster open, honest, and empathetic dialogue about sensitive topics (family, communication patterns/styles, money, sex, future goals, etc.).

  • Navigate Financial Unity: Understand each other's financial perspectives and values, building a unified approach to money management.

  • Align Life Goals: Work together to align your individual and shared life goals, creating a roadmap for your future.

  • Develop Conflict Resolution Techniques: Learn effective ways to resolve disagreements, turning challenges into opportunities for growth.

  • Cultivate Intimacy and Trust: Build deeper levels of intimacy and trust, essential for a strong and enduring marriage.

  • Explore Family Dynamics: Understand and prepare for the dynamics of merging or interacting with extended families.

  • Establish Personal and Shared Boundaries: Identify and respect personal boundaries while establishing healthy shared boundaries.

  • Embrace Mutual Growth: Encourage and support each other's personal growth, fostering a relationship that evolves positively together.

$3000 (PQ® Program + 8 one-hour sessions)