Couples Therapy - 8 Week Program (Virtual)

Beyond Problem-Solving: Invest in the Heart of Your Relationship


Move toward deeper understanding, resilience, and connection.

Transform the very foundation of your relationship.

Help your relationship thrive through life's every twist and turn.

Intown Therapy’s 8-week Couples Therapy Program combines traditional therapy and innovative Positive Intelligence (PQ)® techniques. It will help you discover how problematic thought patterns ("Saboteurs") fuel relationship problems and provide practical strategies to address their root causes.

How is this different from traditional couples therapy?

It's the difference between merely addressing problems and actively transforming your relationship.

Understanding the Mind: At the core of every relationship is the interaction of two minds, each with its unique patterns of thinking. Cognitive psychology helps us understand these patterns. It shows us how our thoughts influence our feelings and behaviors and, in turn, our relationships.

The Power of Change: Our brains have a remarkable ability known as neuroplasticity — the power to form new connections and pathways. This means we can change how we think, feel, and react. It's not just about changing habits; it's about transforming our responses to each other.

Positive Intelligence (PQ)® harnesses these powers. It identifies negative thought patterns, known as Saboteurs, that often create conflict and misunderstanding in relationships. We can then learn how to regulate our emotions and shift to a positive, empathetic, and creative viewpoint, known as the “Sage” perspective.

You and your partner will learn how to:

  • Overcome Negative Patterns: Learn to recognize and reduce the impact of Saboteurs in your relationship.

  • Foster Positive Communication: Shift from reactive, harmful communication to supportive, understanding interactions.

  • Build Resilience Together: Strengthen your ability to handle relationship challenges with grace and unity.

  • Deepen Emotional Connection: Cultivate a deeper, more empathetic understanding of each other, enriching your emotional bond.

  • Align Your Goals and Dreams: Work together to build a shared vision for your future, enhancing harmony and fulfillment.

Investing in the heart of your relationship isn’t just about fixing problems; it's about building a foundation of understanding, resilience, and deep connection that will endure through all of life's changes. By changing how you think and interact, you can profoundly transform your relationship.

$4000 (PQ® Program + 8 one-hour sessions)

(GA & NY Residents Only )